Commercial Epoxy Floor, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Our team DUCON went there to visit their floor physical condition, strength, working environment etc. and many more things then our team and DUCON Team sat on a table for a complementary meeting. After a long time meeting as per their requirement we offered commercial epoxy floor, Gazipur flooring system. That was a conductive flooring system provided by German company DUCON. Their manufacturing plant is located in Malaysia and we are the Authorized Distributor in Bangladesh.
October 5th 2019 we started the job in their building and after 15 days continuous working October 20th 2019 we were successfully complete the job.
After 3 days curing we went to the building and complete the conductivity test as per manufacturer process. The test report is attached under the right side Project Details column. At least thanks to the God for completing another successful project.
Our Task
Retarding and early strength concrete admixture use for this project.
Skills Involved
- Set Time
- Strength Gaining Time
- Flowability
- Workability
- Slump