Ducon Construction Chemicals Industries Ltd leads in manufacturing and supplying concrete admixtures. We offer a range of products, including integral waterproofing compounds, water-reducing and plasticizing admixtures, high-range water-reducing and high-range water-retarding superplasticizers, poly carboxylic concrete admixtures, and concrete hyper plasticizers. Get these items at the best prices from Bangladesh and Malaysia.
নতুন বাড়ী বানাচ্ছেন? দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ড্যাম্প মুক্ত বাড়ী চান? সিমেন্টের সাথে ডিউনমিক্স ৭০০ মেশাতে ভুলবেন না।
Making new home? Want durable damp proof home? Do not forget to mix Duconmix 700 with cement.
Ducon Construction Chemicals is a company of Leading Concrete Admixture in Bangladesh, Manufacturer and Best Price Suppliers Company in Bangladesh, Malaysia and Many Others Countries.
Our Concrete Admixture
ASTM Categories – Concrete Admixtures
ASTM C494 specifies the requirements for seven chemical admixture types. They are:
- Type A: Water-reducing admixtures
- Type B: Retarding admixtures
- Type C: Accelerating admixtures
- Type D: Water-reducing and retarding admixtures
- Type E: Water-reducing and accelerating admixtures
- Type F: Water-reducing, high range admixtures
- Type G: Water-reducing, high range, and retarding admixtures
Ducon Water Reducing Admixtures
Ducon Retarding Admixtures
Ducon Accelerating Admixtures
Ducon Air entraining admixtures have revolutionized concrete technology by introducing porosity as a key feature. As a result, these admixtures primarily enhance the durability of concrete, especially under freezing and thawing conditions. When you add them to a concrete mix, they generate millions of non-coalescing air bubbles throughout the mix, which significantly improves its properties. Furthermore, air entrainment not only boosts the workability of concrete but also prevents segregation and bleeding. In addition, it reduces the unit weight and modulus of elasticity while increasing the chemical resistance of the concrete. Moreover, it allows for a reduction in the amount of cement, sand, or water needed in the mix. Commonly used air-entraining admixtures include vinsol resin, darex, Teepol, and Cheecol. These admixtures are typically made from natural wood resins, alkali salts, and animal and vegetable fats and oils.
Benefits of Pozzolanic Materials
Importance of Calcium Hydroxide
Key Points
- The strength of the concrete is increased
- Its density is increased
- Efflorescence is decreased
- The propensity for alkali-silica reaction (reaction with glass) is decreased, or even virtually eliminated
- Easy Application.